This has been one heck of a week! It was my birthday on Wednesday. Each morning at school the older kids do a little morning news show that is broadcast into all of our classrooms. They do the weather, the pledges, the fundraiser stuff, awards, and the birthdays of all of the students and teachers. Now just guess who is in charge of the birthday announcement list? My favorite library assistant... So, you know what happened, right? All of my little babies are all excited to hear it announced -they get that way every time someone in our class has a birthday - and they simply say, "There are NO birthdays today!" One of my little guys asked me if I was sure it was my birthday! Hannah was in my classroom helping. She stood up, went down to the library and told the Librarian (not HER) that it was my birthday. SHE huffed and slammed around a little, to which Hannah asked, "Is there a problem?" The librarian said she was sorry and that they would announce it tomorrow. Hannah was so proud of herself for speaking up. I think after all of the times she's been "borderline" with us and we've been too in shock to react, it felt good to stand up and put it in her court! Anyway, that wasn't enough, my daughter then went to her daddy's classroom and asked him to make an announcement over the PA while she watched his classroom! I could tell he was a little uncomfortable, but the new him won out over the old one and he made the most endearing and hilarious birthday announcement ever! Every teacher and almost all of the students wished me a happy birthday that day. It was truly wonderful! She's been seething ever since!
I get really caught up in trying not to be petty, which I know most of my really christiany friends would tell me, but the truth of the matter is, I need to take my life back. It's okay to not just lie down and take it like some kind of doormat! I've been humiliated enough and it's okay to expect to get the little things that everyone else gets without her trying to be a bitch to me all of the time. It continues to befuddle me why she acts the injured party. She was the aggressive one, she has done this numerous times, she has her kids and marriage back. How is it she feels the victim? I have refused to become the victim in this situation, but PLEASE!... Where does she even begin to think like that?
Anyway... it's been an exhausting week back. I got 3 new students in two days and two of them are handfuls! I'm still not used to going to bed early and not sleeping in until I just happen to wake up. I'm going to bed early tonight and then I'm sleeping in as long as possible! We have nothing to do except church this entire weekend! I'm so looking forward to down time! We are so short on cash that celebrating my birthday was kind of out of the question, but in a couple of weeks we're going out to dinner, just my Honey and I. Once I'm rested, I can't wait for a night out with that man! He made me the most wonderful Powerpoint birthday card! It made me cry... I am loved. I am blessed...
i still can't believe you teach kindergarten!
i'm sorry that happened to you. i still don't know how you manage to co-exist.
i think you're brave!
You have NO idea how much it means to hear you say that. You know it's a lonely place. Bob has been awesome, but I can't really bitch to my kids too much and no one here really knows anything - at least not any of our friends. So, thanks. Your support means more than you can know...
Love you.
i think about you all the time.
don't hate me..but your nightmare has made our marriage stronger.
don't forget that we're in an isolating time in our lives, no matter the circumstances. geography doesn't help but we're definately in a 'middle place'.
I don't know what you mean by "middle place"...
Don't ever feel bad that this has helped your marriage. That's the beauty God has created from these ashes. There isn't much that makes me at peace about this than knowing that it has helped other people. It has helped me live a MUCH more authentic life...
I love you and I miss you SO much...
by 'middle place' i mean that we've all been doing X amount of things(marriage, kids)for X amount of years. we sum people up(and are usually right) and draw conclustions. we kinda know how the days is gonna end. we don't take chances or risks on new relationships as easily and we've 'been there, done that', it's isolating.
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