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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Heart, Set Free

"In the process of forgiving, tiny little drops of understanding and even compassion come your way. Take them. They are God's way of letting you off the hook. Some of the conclusions we come to in the pain of being wronged are simply not accurate. Perhaps in seeing the other person's sin and weakness clearly, with some measure of empathy, God is whispering in your ear: "You really are not the unwanted... unloved... unvalued woman you thought you were." Paula Rinehart in Strong Women, Soft Hearts

This spoke to my heart in such a powerful way. It's funny to me (not in a "ha-ha" sort of way, but in a "curious and amazing" sort of way) that I just blogged about how much I struggle with thinking I have any value and then I start reading this book and He tells me just what I need to hear and KNOW.

I want to be who He wants me to be and I can't be that unless I quit trying to do the stuff He's supposed to do and start doing the things He leads me to do. I also can't forgive people until I see them as having insecurities and hurts instead of simply mean.

It kind of feels like I'm growing up all over again.

I hope we do it better this time!

1 comment:

Nikki said...

Good for you, great pic bTW!