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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Last Supper and Dessert!

OKAY... So we're driving to Mark and Leslie's housewarming party and suddenly we are following THIS! I'm ashamed to say my children were mildly disgusted with how excited I was to take this picture. Hannah was very concerned that the people in the truck (and there were a whole bunch, let me tell ya) were watching me snap the pictures. I justified my actions by telling her that since they had put all that time (and cash) into it, they were probably okay with me appreciating it. Bob kept saying, " So, do you think they're Mexican? - Only in Texas, I swear!" - Bob can say this, he's Mexican.
So, we get to the house and they all decide to go play kickball - did I mention that it's 106 degrees outside? And by "they", I mean all of the people at the party who are NOT from Michigan. Now, let me tell you, we have definitely acquired thinned blood since we moved here and can tolerate MUCH hotter temps, but 106 is 106, you know? I don't run unless one of my children is in danger of dying and I'm trying to make it there in time to save their life. I decided to be water girl and sit in the shade, handing out water to the victims of heat stroke. When we got back to the house, Mark grilled burgers and we just sat and relaxed in their great new house - very Austin! After a couple of hours and of course, just when we decide we have to get home, the kids (Cassie, you know who you are!) start "suggesting" we all go to Amy's Ice Cream and you know, I love myself some Amy's! Can you say "GRASSHOPPER" - with real mint liqueur? Mmmmmm... especially on a 106 degree day! I love summer. I wish it could go on forever...

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