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Friday, August 1, 2008

Beauty and My Beast...

Okay, how many people live in a place as cool as this? All through July and until August 9th at Zilker Park's outdoor theatre we can go see Beauty and the Beast for FREE!! Last summer we got to see My Favorite Year. It is summer at it's finest. Last summer Hannah made chicken alfredo, a beautiful salad, homemade bread and creme brulee and we had the most wonderful picnic. This year we made several dips, spreads, etc. and just snacked away. I think I could eat brie on a good cracker and some fruit and always be happy!

The performance is always excellent. The mix of people who attend is so Austin, that it makes me feel blessed to be part of this body. Everyone brings their blankets, beach chairs, coolers full of good food, some wine, beer, whatever and we're just one big happy family. I love when it's over that people stay and pick up every little bit of litter as though it's their own living room and there is always such good conversation. I love that we are in this place where people are more laid back, patient and kind. I don't mean to insult people in other places, it's just that there really are some differences based on locale.

Last Wednesday evening we went to "Blues on the Green" and watched Carolyn Wonderland. Last month we saw Asleep at the Wheel. I just kept looking at Bob and saying, "I Love Austin. This is livin'!.. I'm so glad we live here!" We pack the cooler full of yummy food and drinks, grab a couple chairs and a blanket and all we have to pay for is parking... 3 BUCKS... Can you beat it??!! The kids and I met the sweetest man. His daughter-in-love had just given birth to his first granddaughter. He had the most precious picture of her and he just beamed as he told us about her. A group of college aged "kids" sat in front of us and practiced what they obviously learned in the dance class they take together. Several people stopped by and took their picture. It was lovely. Men come in their suits after work, moms and their kids come straight from Barton Springs, couples come on dates all nervous and excited... such beauty...

1 comment:

Our Family said...

i know what you mean.........