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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Love is patient, Love is kind, It does not...

This is the man that I love more than any other human being anywhere. He really gets me and that is soooo rare. I get him, too. He thinks that is just amazing. He thinks I have a gift - I do, it's his love. My life with him is secure. I know that sounds boring, but we've done the wild and crazy passionate thing (and still have our moments!). Our trials and our day-to-day junk has made this something I know I can count on. That means something to me. It's what gave me the courage to leave everything I've ever known and move to a state I spent 2 days in once (Dallas). He makes me laugh more than anyone, even when I don't want to. His sense of humor has gotten me/us through some biggies in this life. God knew I needed his perspective. He knew he would balance me out (most of the time) and help me get over myself and see life for what it is. Of course, he drives me completely crazy sometimes. I already have 5 kids and I want him to be the other parent instead of a 6th child, but it really isn't the end of the world, in the whole scheme of things.
We have been through step-kids, ex-spouses, in-laws, different cultures, my depression, living apart for 6 months (Texas/Michigan), huge financial struggles, working for my brother, living with my parents, almost losing the twins, almost losing me, almost losing him, Scott's rebellion (drugs, guns, etc.), Jordan's rebellion (ugh!), my surgery, homeschooling, Scott's epilepsy, moving across the county, and so much more. I'm so glad I get to do this life with him. I try so hard to not take that for granted, but I know I do sometimes. I know I'm a pain in his easy-going ass so much of the time. That's where his sense of humor balances things out!

1 comment:

Our Family said...

I love you too man! Seriously...Bob is the funniest man I know and sometimes I MISS, and I mean MISS his humor. That should mean a lot coming from the funniest girl he knows!